"Collation is a thought, collection is a presentation"
Whenever looking at a clean and tidy home, a sense of achievement and happiness will arise.As China Ihomagic deco home storage CEO Rocky said:"Happiness at home is the ultimate goal of all aspirations ."
How to accommodate?
If you don't know how to organize the space, the home will become more and more crowded and chaotic. How to break the cycle of overcrowding, make the room a spacious and comfortable home?
China Ihomagic deco home storage manufacturer will give you some tips and tricks. Let's get started.
Home ≠ grocery store
Don't wait until your home become a grocery store to remember the importance of storage. Home storage including "gather" and "accommodate", is a good collection of items to make all items in space to follow a reasonable order.
China Ihomagic leading deco home storage manufacturer firmly believe that blindly "break away" is not the right way, reasonable storage is the true appearance of life.
If you don't have the right way of storage, even if the house is full of cabinets, the problem of storage can not be completely resolved.
China Ihomagic deco home storage manufacturer as a leading modern fabric & technology has 20 years’ experience on home storage industry, make home storage as four steps: classification, streamlining, positioning, design.
Home storage tips and tricks 1: ClassificationBefore we officially start storage, we need to classify all items, and everyone can classify them according to their own preferences: they can be classified according to function, frequency of use, color or other.
Home storage tips and tricks 2: StreamliningNext, we should streamline items and replace them with "self-centeredness ". We must re-examine our relationship with the object and choose the standard of the object: what I must, fit me, make me comfortable.
Home storage tips and tricks 3: PositioningWhen we finished the early work, we began to locate the items. For example, the living room area contains the living room object, the bedroom is mainly bedding and clothing, the kitchen is mainly to contain kitchen utensils and all kinds of food, it is best not to pile all things in one place, but on the basis of classification to locate the items.
Home storage tips and tricks 4: DesignAfter roughly arranging what type of items belong to what kind of storage home, it can be accepted regionally for design planning, using hidden techniques to break into zero, invisible hidden around life, so that the storage space gives another explicit function.
China Ihomagic deco home storage CEO Rocky shared:
Everyone is different in meaning of home storage, but it contains what people really need. Home organization is not only to collect the object itself but also comb our heart, teach us to live a better life.
Understanding the art and importance of home organization, makes you to be able to live happily in the realistic life.
I, Home, Magic——your magician at home.