Under the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 epidemic, Italians sing on their balconies to boost morale, and Indians fly kites on their balconies and rooftops."The period between April and August is usually a slow season for kite sales, but this year around 500,000 kites have been sold because of the outbreak," said a seller in Mumbai, who added that, kite flying had become popular during the blockade in neighboring Pakistan as well.
What caused the kite population to soar during the epidemic? I think was basically due to people's desire to go out and be free.
Similarly, after an unprecedented period of lockdown, a desire to be outdoors, and concerns about health and safety, there will definitely be a round of reprisal spending on
China Ihomagic reusable and collapsible cooler bag.There is bound to be a wave of frenzied sales of such China Ihomagic insulated cooler bag, for which I think this information is a great business opportunity for you.
After the outbreak, due to health and safety considerations, more and more people choose to use China Ihomagic insulated cooler bag to store food, go to nearby parks or beaches for picnics, or take lunches to work, schools and other places. In this form, the
Chinese Ihomagic manufacturer has become the best choice for people.
Advantages of China Ihomagic insulated cooler bag for wholesaler selling:A. Excellent details of China Ihomagic insulated cooler bag wholesale
▲Super heat preservation effect for three layers of protection: The first layer is 600D Oxford fabric with PVC coating lining, which is resistant to moisture and wear; the second layer is 3mm pearl wool; and the third layer is PEVA aluminum film.
▲EVA handle: It will not hurt your hand no matter it is carried or held
▲Round plastic parts: simple and nice.
▲5# double zippers: practical and nice.
B. The design of China Ihomagic insulated cooler bag manufacture can be customized to achieve uniqueness.
C. China Ihomagic insulated cooler bag factory is easy to fold and store
Foldable tote Ihomagic cooler bag folds down to 6CM in height and easy to store for drawer of office area, bag, kitchen and car etc.
D. China Ihomagic insulated reusable 600D oxford cooler bag is applicable to a wide range of places
China Multifunction Ihomagic cooler bag can be used for everyone in many scenarios such as going on a picnic, going to school or office, going outside etc.
Precautions for China Ihomagic insulated cooler bags:1. The food in the insulation Collapsible Lunch Cooler bag is easy to produce peculiar smell. The insulation bag must be cleaned regularly.
2.Open the top cover and wipe the inside of the insulated cooler bags with a soft towel or sponge dipped in warm water or neutral detergent.
3.After using the detergent, you must wash it with water, and then use a dry cloth to dry the surface moisture of the insulated cooler bags.
4.Be sure to remove the dust on the top of the insulation packaging, so as not to affect the aesthetic effect.
I, Home, Magic——your magician at home.